Thursday, July 3, 2014

Store is Coming Along Nicely

Well hello there :) I hope this finds you all doing well today. Are you surviving the heat? I wont complain about it because we did survive winter apocalypse. It would just be wrong, lol and I do love summer time so, but this humidity has to go!!!! I want to open my windows again and be able to dry off when I get out of the shower. Had  a great week so far. My Aunt and Uncle were up from Florida for a visit and we had such a good time! Even though we got caught in the middle of a downpour on a metal boat while out on Lake George! It was sort of Titanic-esq, lol! It was so nice to get spend one on one time with them and it was also nice to show them around Upstate. They are our first visitors here, so it was special.

On other news fronts, the store is coming along nicely. I got some of my greeting cards done today as well as some more prints framed. Placed a new post card order this morning, fingers crossed that they arrive in time for opening on the 15th. All that's left is painting the wall, building a half wall, ordering a ton of prints and getting set up! It's going to be great, and as my Mother pointed  out the other night, the first thing I have done for myself in some time. I am super excited, so be sure to check back with me for updates. Posting some photos below of the work in progress. Should have some of the space soon too.

Have a great day and happy 4th!
Artfully Odd Photos

 Greeting Cards
 Post Cards
Prints framed