Monday, August 18, 2014

18 Chapters Done!!!!

Ok, so I surprised myself yesterday by writing 3 full chapters. That makes a total of 18 so far and that is also sort of a big deal for me! The manuscript I have been working on has been in the works for a few years now and it feels really good to be almost done with it. Now, fingers crossed that the rest of it writes itself as smoothly. Sometimes it's hard to get the vision in your head down on paper and sometimes your characters fight with you for a new outcome. I am excited to see where they let me take it.

Anyway, thought a would share a snippet that I wrote yesterday. This is the beginning of my chapter 17, hope you enjoy:

My Dearest Love-
I am most sorry that I was not able to travel back to the city with you. Leaving you in the care of others was a very difficult thing for me to do, however, Mary is a most capable woman with admirable qualities. She has informed me that you actually know one another and she looks forward to continuing friendship with you. I can rest assured that you, my love, are in capable hands.

I do not know when I may see you again, as this war seems to consume me. The army made some progress at Manmouth. A victory of sorts and I thought that you would want to know that I believe the tide has started to turn. Just as you said it would. I do not dare to hazard a guess at how you know the things you know, but your constant support of our cause and my men is enough to keep me moving forward.

I continue to pray for your recovery and long for the day when I might hold you in my arms again. You have become my constant in such a short amount of time, so much so, that I find it hard to fathom. We know each other it would seem, so well and yet, I long to know more. To know that your thoughts are consumed of me too is one of my greatest wishes. I meant what I said to you dear heart. I may not be able to promise you all you deserve, but I will continue to provide you with all that I have.

Please do not be cross with me when you wake. I did not know that the doctor had plans to bleed you and upon my return, I almost whipped him for it. The amount of the loss was little and I dare say that you did start to rally afterwards. Mary has continued to send me word of your health and I am encouraged by what she says. You will be well soon and we shall all be glad for it.

Until the day that I may return to you, I ask you to please remember that I love you most ardently, and If I am not to return, please know that my last thoughts were most certainly of you dear heart. I have been blessed by your grace. You are my life, you are my love, and you are my everything.

Loving regards-
(C) Anna Patten 2014

I am leaving out who it's from on purpose, lol. You will have to wait and see when it's all done. Again, I want to take a moment to thank you for all the support. It has meant more to me and has encouraged me at times when I wanted to throw in the towel. 

I hope this week is a good one for you as we go into the last days of summer. Remember to keep dreaming my friends and always try to stay on the sunny side :) Happy Monday!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Happy Friday My Friends!

Well hello and happy Friday to all my friends out there. This week went by fast, didn't it? Happy that the weekend has arrived though. Not much to report, as this month has been somewhat quieter than the last. That's good in a way, gives me more time to accomplish what I want. How has summer been for you?

I have a couple of shoots coming up and I was able to get out and take a few of myself the other day.  I have a few art donations going out too. The one below is headed to the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society for their annual Art Saves Animals benefit. We found our Lola there so I am more than happy to help with this wonderful cause. I shot this in March and you can find this mural in downtown Albany off of Broadway.

I think that about wraps it up in my neck of the woods today. I hope that you are enjoying these last days of summer and are making great memories with loved ones! Stay safe and have fun my friends :)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Self Portrait Project 2014

Ok, while on the surface this post will seem extremely vain. Self centered even, but let me explain. Like most of my gal pals out there, I tend to pick myself apart any chance I can. Who's with me? As women I think that we are just conditioned to do that for whatever reason and I think I have just had enough of it. Enough of looking at magazines and the internet and seeing perfect bodies and faces everywhere. Enough self hating on myself or other women. Enough wishing that I could change something on my face or for lord sake, my thighs! I don't have a flat tummy and I suffer from boob butt syndrome, lol! I have them in spades and I tend to look down on them instead of embracing my curves.Well, enough! Enough of the male dominated, social media, fashion magazine culture that tells us that we have to be on and perfect all the time. Haven't you had enough? There is way too much fat shaming out there...skinny shaming too. Did you know that now the debate is about thigh gaps or lack of thigh gaps? It's just crazy!

When my daughter was born, I swore I would never let her pick herself apart. I told her every day that she is a beautiful and wonderful person, both inside and out. After all, our children are gifts and should be cherished. However, some of my self loathing leaked out of me and onto her, for lack of a better analogy. For she too has developed the same syndrome as her Mother and my Mother and all of the other ladies out there. It is sad really...sort of breaks my heart. My syndrome got worse after I suffered a bells palsy a few years ago from untreated lyme disease. Because I did not know I had been bit, and it was untreated, lyme is with me for life now and I deal with its effects every day. So, after I healed and my face got back to normal, well the new normal really, I tend to struggle to find myself in the mirror every time I look. It has been hard and damaging and a whole bunch of other emotions. I tend to beat myself up for it a lot.

So, I thought that I would start a sort of project to see if I could find something beautiful about myself. I do not usually like photos of myself, I picked that trait up from someone who I love, but will remain nameless. So, today I shot some selfies. Something I am not super good at, but I try. Don't worry, there are no duck lips to be seen, lol. I picked 4 that had something I liked about myself in them. These are not photo-shopped at all. (but I do have makeup on.) I just brightened them a bit. My faults are there, I have crows feet, a somewhat droopy eye and some weight to me. But it's ok. My eyes have seen beautiful things through the lens of my camera and my smile has greeted many friends warmly. My body brought a wonderful girl into this world and helped my husband through some tough times.

Today, I choose to stand up for myself and say enough is enough Anna. I hope that maybe it may inspire all the ladies out there too. You are beautiful! You are good and kind and enough just the way you are. Go ahead, hug yourself. Like your shoulders and your toes. It's ok. And maybe if we all start to love ourselves, we can change the world? Well at least our world, lol! After all, life is far too short to be anything but happy with yourself.

Have a blessed day my Mothers, my Sisters, my Daughters!

Photo Copyright Anna Patten 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Busy Summer & Other Stuff

So sorry, I know it has been a bit since I posted here. This summer has been incredibly busy for us and it does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon either. I enjoy being busy, but I must admit, I am looking forward to our vacation in October! Need a bit of downtime to recharge. How has the summer been for all of  you? I hope that this summer has brought many happy memories with your loved ones.

I have been doing a lot of writing this summer. I am happy to say, I am almost finished with the book I have been working on. I have 15 chapters done so far and expect about 5 or so more before this book is done. For the times that I have encountered writers block with the novel, I have taken to just writing whatever pops into my head. It has helped some and I think I could put all my ramblings together and make something of them....I could, lol, not sure if I will though. However, I could share one or two. Below is one of those ramblings:

Can you die of a broken heart? Can the heartache of it all reach down into parts of  your soul? Can it reach parts of you that you didn't even know you had and splinter them into jagged pieces that you cut yourself on every time you feel? These were questions that I was slowly finding out the answers to.

It had been three days since the news hit my ears and sucked all of the air out of my lungs.  Three days since the shadows darkened my vision and blurred my surroundings with tears that never seemed to dry up. The depths of this well I was in, knew no limit. What was worse was the fact that I was stuck in the past. Stuck reliving memory after painfully beautiful memory.

The current memory of choice was of a beautiful afternoon spent in a field of heather and earth. Brilliant sunshine touched all the loving faces gathered around us. With Lilly's wound in my hair and lips oh so red, I whispered, "I do."  The sunlight reflected off the darker hues of his blonde hair, I remember that it seemed to glow in the warm light.  He smiled, whispering the same and then those close to us cheered as he kissed those oh so red lips with promise. We had so much ahead of us. Wonders of a beautiful life stretched out over the path of time. there was a funny word. It gave you the illusion of infinity, but then slipped through your fingers like grains of sand. And just like that, everything was gone. Stolen in the middle of the night with just one phone call

(C) 2014 Anna Patten

I don't know if there is anything to this or not, but I thought I would share anyway. Maybe after my book is done, I will pick this up where I left off...

Anyway, I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend. Make sure to get out and do something fun. Go get some ice cream and sit outside in the grass. Feel the sand between your toes or the wind in your hair! Summer is fleeting and we must enjoy it while we can! 

Happy Lammas to all my Pagan friends and happy weekend to all of my friends.